Monthly Meeting – Thursday, September 19, 2024: Great Power Competition in a Multi-Polar World

Topic: Great Power Competition in a Multi-Polar World


Dr. Darrell Driver
Professor, U.S. Army War College
Director, Advanced Strategic Art Program


Darrell DriverDr. Darrell Driver is a retired U.S. Army Colonel and the Co-Director of the Advanced Strategic Art Program at the U.S. Army War College. He served previously as the Director of the Army War College’s Regional Studies Program and Deputy Chair of the Department of National Security and Strategy. Other positions Dr. Driver has held include Deputy Director of Strategy for U.S. European Command, Defense Policy Advisor to the U.S. Mission to NATO, and Strategic Planner in the Office of the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army. He was also on the faculty of the U.S. Military Academy and the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies.

Dr. Driver is the author of the book Sparta in Babylon: Case Studies in the Public Philosophies of Soldiers and Civilians and a number of articles and book chapters on subjects related to civil-military relations and European Security. He was a 2009 Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellow and an Academic Year 2015 Army War College Fellow, and he holds a Bachelor of Arts in Government from the University of Notre Dame and a Masters and Doctorate in Political Science from Syracuse University.

FPA Coordinator: Zenel Garcia

The Susquehanna Club


Roast pork loin
Au gratin potatoes
Green beens almandine
House salad
Rolls, Butter, Coffee, Water and Hot Tea
Apple pie

Social hour & Dinner Information
5:30-6:30 Social Hour
6:30-7:30 Dinner
7:30—Announcement, Speaker followed by question and answer session

Cost for FPA Members: $33.00
Non-Members: $38.00 – We Welcome Non-members to attend dinners.

There is no charge for anyone to attend the program presentation only, beginning at 7:30 PM.

Dinner co-chairmen are Dan Sim and Ron Pontius.

Reservations must be made by 10:00 am on the Monday before the meeting. To make a reservation, fill out the form below or telephone or email Ron Pontius at (717) 991-0899 or

To CANCEL your reservation, please telephone or email Ron Pontius at (717) 991-0899 or Please be sure to give your complete name, address and phone number.

If you come for dinner as a “Walk-in” without a reservation, we cannot guarantee you the selected entrée. You will be provided a meal, but it may be chef’s selection.

NOTE: We bill “No-shows”

Please Register Now